Columbia Global Reports Book Subscription

Find new ways of looking at the world in 2024. Our $85 subscription includes six paperbacks mailed in advance of publication directly to your doorstep.

Columbia Global Reports is a nonprofit publisher that looks beyond the headlines to start conversations through short but ambitious books. Subscribers help us continue to publish works of original thinking and on-site reporting from around the world that offer new ways of looking at and understanding major issues of our time. We invite you to join our community of readers.

First book included in this subscription

Soul by Soul: The Evangelical Mission to Spread the Gospel to Muslims
by Adrianna Carranca

“A stunning achievement of both immersive reportage and rigorous research.... This is an extraordinary book.” —Eliza Griswold, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Amity and Prosperity
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April 2024

Coming this fall

Climate Radicals: Why Our Environmental Politics Isn’t Working
by Cameron Abadi / September 2024Democracy works by compromise, but climate change is precisely the type of problem that seems not to allow for it. As the clock on democracies’ own self-imposed climate timelines continues to tick, a structural mismatch between politics and science is becoming increasingly exposed. And those concerned by climate change—some already with political power, others grasping for it—are now searching for new ways to close that gap, by any means necessary.   Learn more

Left Adrift: What Happened to Liberal Politics
by Timothy Shenk / October 2024Politics today doesn’t look much like it did fifty years ago. Campaigns have gone high-tech, hoping to use big data and sophisticated mathematical models to turn electioneering into a science. Meanwhile, a permanent class of political consultants has emerged, with teams of pollsters, message gurus, and field operatives. Taken together, all this amounts to a silent revolution that has transformed politics across much of the globe. Left Adrift is about that battle—and the world it has made.    Learn more

Looking further ahead

In Defense of Partisanship
by Julian Zelizer / January 2025

In Defense of Partisanship reimagines what responsible partisanship might look like going forward from today. A new era of party-oriented reforms has the potential to pay respect to the deep differences that divide us while simultaneously creating a more functional path on which two responsible political parties compete to shape policy while still being able to govern.   Learn more


Thailand’s Turn
by Jeffrey Wasserstrom / February 2025

The political situations in Burma, Thailand, and Hong Kong are radically different. And yet, many young pro-democracy activists in and exiles from these three places routinely refer to a sense that their struggles are related. Why is it that, when they could be influenced by events in any part of the world, many activists are particularly affected by, seek inspiration from, and express solidarity with movements taking place in neighboring places? In Thailand’s Turn, Jeffrey Wasserstrom traveled widely and spoke to dozens of democracy activists and political exiles to understand what brings the Milk Tea Alliance together.

Bad Bets
by Jonathan Cohen / March 2025

In 2018, a US Supreme Court ruling permitted states to legalize sports gambling. To date, 38 have done so. The nation is already facing a sports gambling crisis, one that will worsen in the coming years. In Bad Bets, Jonathan Cohen argues that this burgeoning crisis is a product of public policy and could have been avoided if states had taken a more deliberate, careful approach to gambling legalization.

United States and Canada only.
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