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We are dedicated to publishing books that look around the corner and drive the national conversation on underreported issues. Our books inform policymakers, teachers, parents, business leaders, and students, as well as readers who love good journalism.

If you believe in the transformative power of books and ideas, we invite you to make a contribution today and join our vibrant community of supporters and early readers.

Your support will enable Columbia Global Reports to commission compelling stories that go deeper, beyond the headlines, to offer readers a nuanced understanding of complex issues, provoke thoughtful conversations, provide analysis and solutions, and inspire meaningful action.

For more information on the impact of your contribution, including how you can sponsor an upcoming book, please contact Courtney Knights, Development Director at Gifts at every level make an impact and will be acknowledged on our website.

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Please contact Courtney Knights at for instructions to make a gift by wire transfer or to make a gift of appreciated stock, bonds, or mutual funds, including directly from your IRA.

Make checks payable to Columbia University. To ensure that your gift is properly allocated to our work, please include a note that it is in support of Columbia Global Reports and send to:

Courtney Knights
Columbia Global Reports
91 Claremont Avenue, Suite 515
New York, NY 10027