3/22/2016, Nicolas Pelham

News From the Middle East Is Not All Bad—What Can Go Right

News From the Middle East Is Not All Bad—What Can Go Right

In Holy Lands, longtime Middle East journalist Nicolas Pelham presents a strikingly original and startlingly optimistic look at the region. Sure, there's plenty of bad news and cruelty to report on, but Pelham also tells the story of those who are embracing diversity and trying to live side by side with all types of people, in the… more

1/22/2016, Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

America’s Latest, Bizarre 'Visa Diplomacy'

America’s Latest, Bizarre 'Visa Diplomacy'

This week, Rana Rahimpour, a journalist for the BBC who has dual British and Iranian citizenship, was informed that she and her young daughter did not have the appropriate paperwork to fly to the U.S. The pair was prevented from boarding their flight, and Rahimpour’s daughter missed her cousin’s surprise birthday party. Iranians all over… more